we have been able to carve a niche by providing a comprehensive range of paper testing equipments such as Bursting Strength Tester, Cobb Tester, Box Compression Tester, Moisture Meter, Pulp
Disintegrator, Freeness Tester, Rapid Sheet Dryer, Digital Thickness Micrometer, Sheet Former, Tearing Resistance Tester, Tensile Strength Tester, Quadrant Scale, Digital Quadrant, Stiffness
Tester, Strip Tester, Brightness Tester, Consistency Determination Apparatus, Core / Cone Tester, Circular Cutters and Ring Crush Tester. Established in the year 2001, our organization strives to
serve the needs & wants of various sectors and industries.
We are manufacturers paper testing equipments
we have been able to carve a niche by providing a comprehensive range of paper testing equipments such as Bursting Strength Test