We also welcome all our bonsai, frog breeders and just plain plant lovers who have found us.
Suppliers of orchid mixes, fir bark, coconut husk chips, diatomite, coir, wire supports, wire hangers. Orchid pots, orchid baskets, granulated charcoal, sponge roc perlite, long fiber sphagnum moss, plant lights, fertilizer, pesticides, humidity trays, fungicides, greenhouse material, Cypripediums, cyp. hybrids & other native orchids
Suppliers of orchid mixes, fir bark, coconut husk chips, diatomite, coir, wire supports, wire hangers. Orchid pots
Suppliers of orchid mixes, fir bark, coconut husk chips, diatomite, coir, wire supports, wire hangers. Orchid pots |