DIGITALRH Controller(Specially designed for Humidity Control only)Features:Continuous Digital display of Humidity (% RH).Imported Humidity sensor (Accuracy:+3 RH).Extended wired sensor for greater
accuracy (5 mtrs. from the controller)Humidity Control Range: 30 ~ 100 %.Humidifier On/Off LED indicator.Inbuilt socket to connect Humidifier.Strong & Sturdy mechanism.HUMITROL(Complete Humidity
Control System with all features)Features:Hour counter indicator for displaying the no. of hrs. motor has beenin operation.Strong & Sturdy mechanism.HUMITROL WT(Humitrol without Temperature
Indicator)Features:Hour counter indicator for displaying the no. of hrs. motor hasbeen in operation.Strong & Sturdy mechanism.HUMITROL WTH(Humitrol without Temperature & Humidity control
system)Features:Hour counter indicator for displaying the no. of hrs. motor has beenin operation.Strong & Sturdy mechanis