We are manufacture of measurement meters and ophthalmic instruments, welcomeVisit our web or email us for catalogue if you are interested in these products. Most of our products are CE marked.Digital multimeterInfrared thermometerL & c, insulation testerUltrasonic range finderPen/logic meterAutomotive meterClamp meterThemometerThermometerTemperature meterTemperature panelTemperature recorderMicrocomputer temperature controllerRefrigerant unit electric control boxTachometerStroboscopeSurface speed meterAnemometerSound level meterMoisture meterGrain moisture meterThickness meterCoating thickness meterHumidity meterDew point meterLux meterMetal detectorElectronic scaleHardness testerVibratioin testerHalogen leak detectorOphthalmic instrument, titanium, stainless steel
We are manufacture of measurement meters and ophthalmic instruments, welcome
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Model Number: | Halogen Leak Detector |