Temperature Range:
Indoor:-10~+50 (+ 23 ~ +122)
Outdoor:-50~+70 (-58 ~ +158)
with 0.1 resolution
Accurancy:+/- 0.5 (0 ~+40), :+/- 1 (the remainder range)
Humidity range: 15%~95% RH with 1% resolution
Accurancy:+/- 3% (30% ~+80%), :+/- 5% (the remainder range)
Function Key: Max/Min, RESET, /, IN/OUT
OUtdoor sensor with 3M cable for temperature
with COMFORT/DRY/WET index
COMFORT icon will display when 65%>Humidity>40% and
DRY icon will display when Humidity<40%
WET icon will display when Humidity>65%
Wall Mounting & Desk Display
Unit Size: (W) 102.8mm x (H) 121.7mm x (T) 20.5mm
Battery Size: AA 1.5V x 1 (included)