MobiCheck incorporates the proven world leading technology of C-Probe.
Flexible vierwing options water management information can be downloaded to a PC for closer analysis with the powerful, user-friendly MobiGraph software. This gives the grower a range of options
from making instant and accurate decisions in the field to using the best irrigation management software availible. The software graphically presents the state of the soil moisture, allowing
accurate and timely decisions to be made on how much and when to irrigate.
To take a reading, the encapsulated capacitance sensor is simply inserted into the access tube, a reading being taken that takes just a few seconds and taken out to be ready for the next profile to
be measured.
MobiCheck is a portable and robust soil moisture monitoring device measuring soil moisture over the depths of a crop's
MobiCheck is a portable and robust soil moisture monitoring device measuring soil moisture over the depths of a crop's |