The Model 838 Sensor will eliminate time consuming laboratory analysis, tests and calibration validations. Now all this can be performed in a few seconds with more accuracy than ever before -
anywhere in the work area - any time of the day!
All Model 838 sensors uses NIR reflection and does not require contact with the product sample. A sample is placed on the turntable and the instrument begins the analysis and determines the moisture level within a few seconds. The Model 838 is calibrated to the laboratory method such as Gravimetric Oven or Karl Fischer.
Both production and quality control personnel find the Model 838 to be the perfect solution to their moisture testing requirements.
in the general work area to confirm process of on-line sensors.
Initially designed for the laboratory, it is now small, compact and rugged enough to also be used anywhere
For general use, the Model 838 Sensor is an at line analyzer that provides rapid accurate measurement of moisture, fat and protein in a variety of food products. Typical food applications: flakes, powders, granules in coffee, milk products, cereals, gluten, sugar, and many other products.
The Model 838 Sensor is an at line analyzer that provides rapid accurate measurement of moisture.
Model Number: | LabMoist |
Brand Name: | 838 Laboratory Gauge |
Place of Origin: | United States |