Package: Includes meter, 26-ES electrode and extra #496 pins for the
26-ES electrode. Order as RC-1E/PKG
Meter Only: Includes meter with its own carrying case. Order as RC-1EW/CS
Housed in a durable and beautifully-finished hardwood case
Measures moisture from 6% to 80% with its three-range analog scale
Temperature stable circuit, built-in battery and calibration checks and an auto shut-off timer
Also available with a Southern Pine dial (RC-1E/SP)
Favorite among dry kiln operators for years
Size: 6 1/2" X 8" X 3"
Weight: 3 lbs. 8 oz.
Battery: 1-9V Carbon zinc
Warranty: 1 year
RC-1E Package Variations:
Housed in a durable and beautifully-finished hardwood case
Features: Housed in a durable and beautifully-finished hardwood case |