Smart Tweezers is an R-L-C meter in a set of tweezers. Smart Tweezers features a unique patented mechanical and electronic design that incorporates a built-in direct precision SMD probe designed
for component evaluation on the production line, component impedance testing and sortingof SMD components. Smart Tweezers dramatically cuts the time necessary to troubleshoot and debug a complex
PCB making process of locating of a faulty component a breeze.
The integrated SMD probe and graphic display, combined with automatic recognition of measurement modes (L, C and R) and the range of measurement, allow the operator to focus on the component under
test. As a result, testing, sorting and evaluation of components become more efficient and cost effective. Smart Tweezers also measures DC/AC voltage of up to +/- 8 Volts, Quality/Dissipation
factors and diode polarity.
Smart Tweezers is an automatic LCR meter in a set of tweezers, 1% accuracy. Also measures votage, Q / D factors and diode polari