2/ The Datapak has a 16 x 2 backlit display liquid crystal readout for easy programming.
3/ The device is fitted with two internal solid-state PC boards. The main board is a programming and timing boards. The second smaller board is for the control of the firing circuits.
4/ All communication between the welder and its functions are controlled through a 12 pin Jones plug mounted in the front of the Datapak timer facie.
5/L.E.D lamps on the facia indicate power up, initiation, solenoid start and initiation channel one, and initiate channel two.
6/ The Datapak timer system has the following inputs/outputs available, 380/400vac supply, thyristor, solenoid, and initiation.
7/ The Datapak timer system has a Weld on/off toggle switch located on the front facia to allow the machine to be cycled without welding being undertaken.
8/ The Datapak timer system is manufactured from anodised aluminium for weight reduction. The unit has two handles on the front of the panel. The Datapak timer system has two fixing screws. One
screw is located in the top of the facia in the centre and one located in the lower facia centre.
9/ The p/f lamp indicates max weld current. The lamp indicates thyristor stack circuit continuity.
10/ External program select is an optional extra and uses the dbd plugging port on the facia.
11/ As an option the timer can be used for pulsation and down slope if these facilities are requested
Pre squeeze.....................................................0 to 99 cycles
Squeeze time ..................................................0 to 99 cycles
Weld time one.................................................0 to 99 cycles
Cool time ........................................................0 to 99 cycles
Weld time two.................................................0 to 99 cycles
Off time...........................................................0 to 99 cycles
Repaet function................................................On/Off
Phase heat contol weld one...............................10 to 100 percent
Phase heat contol weld two...............................10 to 100 percent
Upslope weld one only.......................................0 to 9
Weld count by cycle
The Datapak timer system is designed, manufactured and marketed in South Africa by West Kennett Corp. The machine is a box mount, Jones plug timer system 380/400v @ 50Hz for use on spot welding,
projection welding machines. A Datapak timer system is available for use on seam welding machines on special request.
Electrical, mechanical and control system.
1/ The Datapak timer system is a digital 10 program solid-state device. The system has the following available on each of the ten programs;.
The Datapak timer system is designed, manufactured and marketed
The Datapak timer system is designed, manufactured and marketed |