SPARK The latest in Personal Parking Meters What is Spark ?Designed by Ganis Systems Ltd. Spark is a small personal parking meter engineered to suit the needs of city motorists who want the
convenience of on-street parking without the costs associated.The motorist uses the Spark personal parking meter as an alternative to the Pay&Display machines/parking meters. Once the motorist
has found a parking place, he/she simply activates the Spark, hangs it in the driver's window, and leaves the car. Upon returning to the vehicle, the motorist switches the Spark off stopping the
payment automatically.The motorist will ONLY ever pay for actual time parked, not a minute longer!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------BENEFITSWhat does
the motorist gain from using the Spark System? Live help by AliveChat No need to look for small change Pay only for time parked Convenient and easy to use system Modest initial investment Never
outstay your parking meter No monthly setup fee What does the municipality gain from using the Spark System?Customer friendly gives an alternative to unpopular parking systems No cash money
collection No infrastructure fees Environmentally friendly, no cluttering up the pavements with parking meters Pay per minute enables a faster turnover of parking spaces Very small initial
investment Reduces costs the costs associated with collections, fraud, and vandalism