Used latest micro controller based technology.
SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR Range programmable by users.
0.01, 0.1,1 Resolution programmable by users.
Minute - Second range from 0000.01 to 9999.59.
Hour - Minute range from 0000.01 to 9999.59
Hour - Minute - Second from 00.00.01 to 99.59.59
Count up, Count down programmable by users.
6 digit 13 mm. height bright red L.E.D display.
1 No. Red L.E.D for relay ON indication.
Built-in watch-dog circuit for fail safe operation.
Delay OFF, Delay ON, Pulse O/P Programmable with pulse duration.
Built in 4 digit (9999) batch counter For Timer Pulse cycle mode.
Power fail three conditions programmable by users.
Program setting by three soft membrane keys on the front panel.
Compact in size, very easy to set and operate in field.
Built in +12 V DC supply for Proximity switch, Infrared sensor, buzzer.
Built in HOLD and RESET facility from front & rear terminal.