Digital Time Totaliser (HOUR METER) Model FC1560 manufactured by FABROTECH is useful for measuring the process ON time or operating time of a machine. This 6 digit Time Totaliser can be used in 9
different combination of Hour, Min. & second covering the time range from 0.1 second to 999999 Hour. 6 nos. of 0.56 inch height bright red seven segment LED display the measured time. In case of
power failure, the time count is retained in memory without any battery. The displayed time can be RESET by front switch or from rear terminal. The power consumption is less than 5 Watts. Operating
supply voltage is 230 V AC + 10%, 50Hz. Housed in enclosure of DIN size 48(H) x 96(W) x 110(D)mm.
Digital Time Totaliser (HOUR-METER) is useful for measuring the process ON time or operating time of a machine.