Electronic Water Meter
AquaMaster F
Wide flow range, highest accuracy
sizes from 25 to 300mm (1 to 12 in.)
No pressure loss
ideal for either low pressure systems or very high
Built-in multi-speed, multi-channel,
dual-variable logger (option)
remote reading using standard inductive pad or via
radio link automatic meter reading system
Pressure sensor input (option)
enables monitoring and logging of line pressure
Remote/Automatic meter reading
remote reading using standard inductive pad or
automatic meter reading via internal GSM mobile
phone technology
Battery operation
3-year life
no external power supply required;
for installation in remote locations
AC powered with optional battery backup
continuous measurement even during power-down
'Fit and Flow'
simple to install; no on-site setup
Buriable sensor and submersible transmitter
eliminates requirement for a chamber and ensures
fast, low-cost installation
can be installed in flooded chambers
AquaMaster F
integrated water measurement
system with no pressure loss
Data Sheet
Electronic Water Meter
AquaMaster F
Electronic Water Meter AquaMaster F |