Better accuracy, great repeatability & long battery life
Every meter is simple to use and cost effective
Only few years ago, the measurement of pH, conductivity and relative humidity could be performed by complicated apparatus and trained laboratory technicians. The two methods of measuring
these parameters were on opposite ends of the spectrum. At one end, you had the traditional pH litmus paper and kits with low resolution. The other method required training and complicated
equipment to perform the analysis. The latter method had extremely high resolution, but could not be performed by everyone. Hanna introduced the pHep? in 1986. This pocket-sized meter literally
replaced pH litmus paper for millions of users worldwide. The powerful electronics provided the operators with unparalleled accuracy, great repeatability, long battery life, and above all, an LCD
where measurements could be read easily. Hanna knew that this was the answer to pH measurement problems! Since the advent of pHep, Hanna has not only improved the pHep? family by adding
waterproof models, but has expanded the line of Pocket Meters to cover areas such as conductivity, relative humidity and salinity. Hanna commitment to provide innovative, easy-to-use instruments
continues with the introduction of testers featuring new ergonomic, and much more rugged casings, as well as larger LCDs for easier viewing from any angle. Add to these the precision of custom
microprocessors and you have convenience and accuracy, in pocket size instrumentation.