We would like to introduce our company as leading engineering and trading company in Pakistan. Our main line of business is power, distribution, telecom, gas etc. Our main clients including water
and power development authority(wapda)Pakistan telecom company ltd(ptcl)oil and gasDevelopment company ltd(ogdcl)sui northern gas pipeline company ltd(sngpl)Karachi electric supply
company(kesc)etc. Etc.Water and sanitation agency(wasa)lahore has invited offers from iso-9001-200 certified manufacturers to have budgetary prices for the supply of non-magnetic, non-return,
rotary piston type(class-c)and multi jet type(class-c)domestic water meters size 1/2" I/d, confirming to ISO 4064&specific requirement as per wasa lahore specifications. Wasa technical
specifications are attached. It is therefore requested to please send us following by courier so that we may submit these to wasa, lahore- budgetary price of both types of meters- complete
specification- original technical brochure&catalogue of offered type- ISO certificate- company profile- reference list(domesticand overseas)If you need any further information please feel free
to contact us. Last date to submit proposal is 30-04-2005. We should have your complete proposal by DHL courier before 25 april 2005.Please send us a set of your product catalogues/CD for our study
and future reference.