Weighing range:-- 1-50kg- 150kg to 2000kgMemory for 63 different weighment programmesAuto tare before start of filling cycle or at pre-set intervalsTwo stage filling: coarse and dribble
feedAutomatic regulation of dribble feedAutomatic correction of in-flight productBag-on-spout top-up (selectable)Auto check weighing functionAuto tollerance checkAuto under/over tollerance alarm
displayDisplay: 7 digit VFD (Vacuum Fluorescent Display)Showing:-- Weighment in progress- Weight of previous bag/weighment- Total number of bags filled / weighments made- Total kgs, lbs, tonnes -
per hour- Set points and target weight (all parameters can be edited whilst weighment is in progress)- Fault and error identificationAuto calibration and self test function keyInternal clock and
calendar (M/D/Y)Infineon Hi-speed processor, 256kB RAM battery back upIP65/NEMA dust and splash proof keypadStatistical performance dataEC compliant and certified