Fully Electronic Weighbridge :Fully Electronic Weighbridges offer numerous advantages compared to conventional ones, namely:?Maintenance free, long life, consistent performance.?No moving parts,
therefore no inaccuracy due to wear and tear.?Very low requirement of pit reducing civil costs.?Eliminating human error, better control data processing. These varying demands call for technological
competence, with an organizational flexibility and teamwork needed to meet special requirements, As an international supplier of electronic Weighing Systems, Weitech is among the few companies able
to meet this challenge.:: Construction : The typical Electronic Weighbridge consists of a fabricated platform, 4 or 6 or 8 loadcells, junction box, Loadcells cable (from J. Box to Weigh bridge
cabin) and weighing indicator. Electronic Weighbridges can be classified as.?Pitless types/surface mounted weighbridges. ?Pit type weighbridge.?Pitless eighbridge useful in areas where hazardous
gases are present in the atmosphere, where the soil is rocky, and in low ying areas where water logging is a problem.:: PIT LESS / SURFACE MOUNT WEIGH BRIDGE :Type WFEW - SM platforms are installed
on ground, and have JOISTS on the sides.:: Standard configuration specification :Size m Capacity Load cells (Qty x Capacity) Least (Count Kg) 7.5 x 3 30 / 40 4 x 30 M.T 5 9 x 3 40 / 50 4 x 30 M.T 5
10 x 3 50 / 60 6 x 30 M.T 5 /10 12 x 3 50 / 60 6 x 30 M.T 5 /10 16 x 3 60 / 80 6 x 30 M.T 10 18 x 3 80 / 90 6 x 30 M.T 10 20 x 3 100 / 120 8 x 30 M.T 20