Content (Specific Product Details Only write necessary items including Product Option, Product Number, Technology and Certification, Price, Export Country, Buying Method, A/S , Cancellation Condition, Refund/Return Condition., Selling Agency, International Branch etc.):
Ensuring Security because user can log on and log off.
Convenient to use because entering the origin place can be selected by 1 step or 2step.
Fixed effective date marking is possible, so that it is convenient to mark the effective date of foreign-made original material.
Easy selling work with 88 short keys, which are the tmost in the same class
Reliable becasue the case removing amount mark is indicated separately
Unnecessary to unsealing the seal because the scale software can be upgraded just by downloading a program
- Possible to do online managing on the one system regardlelss ofwithout scales quantity and distance
- Prompt maintenance and repair because it is possible to change communication ID address from scale itself
- 10 times faster than existing communication, RS232 type (Using converter)
- Possible to control online data via Ethernet Connection
TCP/IP Module Basic Built-in
Reliable measuring and label printing. Adequate products for scale integrated control systems at middle and large stores
AC 4000 Series makes it possible to control online data fast
AC 4000 Series makes it possible to control online data fast
AC 4000 Series makes it possible to control online data fast |