The VICTOR 11 Process Calibrator has accuracy of + / -0. 02% overall. OutputScaleOutput rangeResolutionAccuracyRemarksTHERMOCOUPLER-40~1760OC1OC-40~100OC: 1. 5ocadopts the ITS-90 temperature standard (Note 5) 100~1760OC: 1. 2ocS-20. 0~1760oc1oc-20~100OC: 1. 5oc100~1760OC: 1. 2ocB 400. 0~1800oc1oc 400~600OC: 2. 0oc600~800OC: 1. 5oc800~1800OC: 1. 1ocE-200. 0~1000oc0. 1oc-200~-100OC: 0. 6oc- 100~600OC: 0. 5oc600~1000OC: 0. 4ocK-200. 0~1370oc0. 1oc-200~-100OC: 0. 6oc- 100~400OC: 0. 5oc100~1200OC: 0. 7oc1200~1370OC: 0. 9ocJ-200. 0~1200oc0. 1oc-200~-100OC: 0. 6oc- 100~800OC: 0. 5oc800~1200OC: 0. 7ocT-200~400OC0. 1oc-200~400OC: 0. 6ocN-200~1300OC0. 1oc-200~-100OC: 1. 0oc- 100~900OC: 0. 7oc900~1300OC: 0. 8ocOutputScaleOutput rangeResolutionAccuracyRemarksVoltage100mV-10. 0 ~100. 0mv0. 001mv + / -0. 02% reading + / -0. 01% rangeThe max. Output current 5mA1V-0. 1 ~1. 10000v0. 01mv10V-1. 0 ~11. 0000v0. 1mvCurrent20mA 0. 000 ~22. 000ma0. 001ma + / -0. 02% reading 20mA the max. Overload is 1kOhm (see Note 1) + / -0. 01% rangeResistance400 Ohm 0. 00 ~400. 00 Ohm 0. 01 Ohm + / -0. 02% reading 1mA excitation currenct (note 2-note 3) + / -0. 02% range2kOhm 0. 0 ~2000. 0 Ohm 0. 1 Ohm + / -0. 03% reading+ / -0. 02% rangeAnalogue transducer-20mA 0. 000 ~22. 000ma 0. 001ma + / -0. 02% reading 20mA the max overload is 1kOhm (note 4) + / -0. 02% rangeRTDPT 100-200~850OC0. 1oc-200~0OC: 0. 3ocadopt the Pt100-385 (note 2-3) 0~400OC: 0. 5oc400~850OC: 0. 8ocCu50-50 ~150OC0. 1oc-50~150OC: 0. 6ocLoop Power 24V + / -10% The max. Output current is 25mATIJIT PTE LTD
The VICTOR 11 Process Calibrator has accuracy of + / -0. 02% overall.
OutputScaleOutput rangeR
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