Features and benefitsLCD DisplayMemory keeping functionOutput time could be adjustedIdle time can be adjustedSuper pulse mode frequency 0.01sSealed-off Co2 laser technologyContinuous pulse, single pulse, repeat pulse and super pulse operation modesTouching switch, microprocessor controlled7-joint spring-balanced articulated armAdjusted aiming of 5mW diode laserSafety protection with automatic alarmTechnical specificatinosLaser type: PC030-A Co2( sealed off)Wavelength 10.6micronMode: TEM 00Power to tissue:30WLaser operation modes: Single, CW, Pulse, Repeat Pulse, Super pulseSuper pulse peak power:300WAiming beam:5mW aiming beamBeam delivery system 7-joint spring-balanced articulated armWorking radius 135cmCooling system: Close loop liquidControl system: Microprocessor controlledDisplay system: LCD displayWarranty:1 yearElectrical input:220VAC/50Hz or 110VAC/60HzPackage dimension(cm) 1255x 555x 840cmGross weight(kg) 75kgApplicationsGeneral surgery haemangoma, adipoma, steamtoma, rectal cancerOral surgery epulis, buccal haemoangioma, mucous syst, lichen planusOtolaryngology: Aurical vegetation, nosal tumor and tumor ofParanasal simus, begign tumour of oropharynx, gular haemangioma, vocalPolyp, laryngocarcinoma, chroni pharyagitis, chronic rhinitis, CHChronic laryngitisUrology: Meatus urinarious condyloma, redundant prepuce, caruncle ofUrethra, polyp of penisGenecology: Myoma of uterus, cervical erosion, cervical polyp,Vagina condylomaDermatology: Wart, common wart, venereal wart, herpes labialis, herpesZoster, nevus pigmentosa, cutaneous mailgnent tumourCosmetology: Dispel wringkle tache, stains of face nevus, vegetatino andUnderarm odourOffers more featuresEye protectionSmoke evacuatorMicromanipulatorAiming beam for accuracySuperior water cooling systemSuper pulse mode1,000 hour Co2 tube life spanLaser training workshopsMarketing materialsSales agent for OEMFactory certified technicians
Features and benefits
LCD Display
Memory keeping function
Output time could be adjusted
Idle tim
Type: | Weigh Beam |
Model Number: | PC030-A |