Automatic Milk Collection System installed in m ore than 10 00 units. Trained and dedicated persons to impart training to semiliterate members of the Village Co-Operative. Team of Experienced
Service technicians to provide timely and regular services even to remote places. In-house capability of d esigning , development and production of Electronic Weighing Scales, Interface Hardware
and PC Integration. Total, integrated solution for Automatic Milk Collection Systems. Established a Registered Brand Name - AKASHGANGA Adjudged the winner of ICT Stories Competition 2001. The only
Asian contestant received the award on June 6, 2001 at the Internet Global Conference in Stockholm, Sweden - INET 2001. Winner of Global ICT stories competition 2001: jointly sponsored by IICD -
Netherlands & INFODEV of World Bank to bring out best applications of ICT - Awarded 1st Prize at National Level Gujarat Agritech and Trade Fair in 1997 to create awareness &
information among farmers for availability of Auto Milk Collection System(AMCS) and best display of such systems. Invited by World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) at Geneva during its
convention at Geneva to showcase the ICT solution. Finalists in Stockholm Challenge Award 2002 in e-business category - Awarded GOLD Category in e-Business
for MANTHAN Award 2005 Nominated for Word Summit Award 2005