Large LCD Display with Annunciators Over/Under Indicator Large Stainless Steel Platform Push Button Tare Battery Operation Adjustable Auto Shut-off Washdown (when battery operated and AC jack
sealed) Legal for Trade Tilting and Rotating Indicator Initial, Automatic and Semi-automatic Zero Setting Mechanisms PARTS BREAKDOWN Accuracy Class Class III, 3000 divisions Certificate of
Conformance # 03-002 Capacity and Divisions 300 lb x .1 lb Weighing System Strain gage load cell Platform 13.8" x 19.7" stainless steel Display LED: 5 digits plus annunciators Character size: 0.9"
x 0.5" Power 6 "D" batteries, optional AC adaptor (not washdown) Battery Life 600 hours of continuous use with alkaline batteries BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED Operating Temperatures 23o F 95o F (-5o C
35o C) Shipping Weight 37 lb Use Adapter - 6500DP-610