FEATURES Counting/weighing 3 column LCD weigh display (Weight / Unit weight / Total) Alarm function to highlight shortage of sample Large 12mm LCD display with backlight Large stainless steel
weighing platter (28cm x 22cm) Lack of sample, piece weight indication Stable indication Re-chargeable battery or AC/DC adaptor Auto power shut off (selectable) Low battery indication DOWNLOAD The
file below requires Acrobat Reader for viewing. Click here to get your FREE copy. VW 330-C Brochure (296KB pdf format) CAPACITY Capacity 1.5kg / 3.3lb 0.05g / 0.0001lb 3kg / 6.6lb 0.1g / 0.0002lb
7.5kg / 16lb 0.2g / 0.0005lb 15kg / 33lb 0.5g / 0.001lb 30kg / 66lb 1g / 0.002lb 50kg / 110lb 2g / 0.005lb