Designed for routine lab applications, these balances include a draftshield with all glass panels and three sliding doors. Each door is removable for quick and convenient cleaning. An up-front
level indicator eliminates the need to look behind balance during the leveling process. Three filter modes and adjustable zero tracking are ideal for working in slow filling applications where
sensitivity is required. Three button operation is user-friendly, and balance features application modes of weighing, parts counting, and percent. Balances include calibration lockout, security
loop, weigh below hook, in use cover, RS232, and an AC adapter. All balances include the weighing units of dwt, tical, tola, mommes, baht, grain, mesghal, Newton, ozt, teals, and custom additional
weighing units specific to each balance are outlined in the chart below. The 150g and 310g balances include a draft-shield with all glass panels and three sliding doors. Each door is removable for
quick and convenient cleaning. All include two-year warranty.