Electronic Weigh Bridges Exporters of electronic weigh bridges and weighing scales. One of India's high-tech enterprise, specialized in developing & producing weighting indicators & digital and
analogue loadcells. Fast & Accurate Standard Top Quality Dependable Technical Expertise Continues Operation Long Term Reliability Customized Software Prompt Service Branches all Around India Design
Modules As Per Requirement Weighing Industrial automation Products On Demand OIML standard test model approved by Govt. of India. Approved by Dept. of weight Measure. Model No Capacity Mini.
Graduation Class of Accuracy Platter Size (S.S.) APPWE 10* 10MT 1 Kg III 3600 X 2400 mm APPWE 10T* 10MT 1 Kg III 4568 X 2436 mm APPWE 20* 20MT 5 Kg III 6090 X 2436 mm APPWE 30* 30MT 5 Kg III 6700 X
3000 mm APPWE 50* 30/40/50MT 5 Kg III 7000 X 3000 mm APPWE 60* 60MT 10 Kg III 7500 X 3000 mm APPWE 80* 60/80MT 10 Kg III 9000 X 3000 mm APPWE 80T 60/80MT 10 Kg III 10000 X 3000 mm APPWE 80T12
60/80MT 10 Kg III 12000 X 3000 mm APPWE 80T14 60/80MT 10 Kg III 14000 X 3000 mm APPWE 80T16 80MT 10 Kg III 16000 X 3000 mm APPWE 100T16 80/100MT 20 Kg III 16000 X 45000 mm APPWE 80T18 80MT 10 Kg
III 18000 X 3000 mm APPWE 80T20 80MT 20 Kg III 20000 X 3000 mm APPWE 100T18 80/100MT 20 Kg III 18000 X 45000 mm APPWE 100T20 100MT 20 Kg III 20000 X 45000 mm