AT&T Wireless (Cingular)
Asian & European Carriers
Cellular One
Unionn Wireless
NEP wireless
Longline wireless
Indigo wireless
Farmers wireless
Edge wireless
Cincinnati bell wireless
Quantum Wireless
SunCom Wireless Holdings Inc
Wireless Alliance
There are so many great aspects of this phone that it would be hard to pinpoint the exact one which sets it apart from other devices. From the timeless, classical design that delivers a sensory
experiences like no other to the high craftsmanship, every aspect of this phone has been designed with an attention to detail.
The central display plays host to 16 million colors that produces a more sharper resolution than has ever been seen on a Motorola phone. The stainless steel housing around the display ensures a
secure place to keep it stable. In order to ensure that it is scratch-resistant, a 62-carat sapphire crystal lens is utilized to ensure that the device is kept in top-top shape.
The revealed mechanical gears are composed of Rockwell 50-55 hardened steel and 130 precision ball bearings. Akin to the opening of a luxury car, the phone swings open with grace fit for a
ballerina scissoring through the air
Naturally a phone of this design wouldnt do much good without the technology to back it up and Motorola has certainly lived up to that demand. CrystalTalk technology means that every single
conversation an AURA user has will be clear and interference will be kept to a minimum
classical design that delivers a sensory experiences like no other to the high craftsmanship