Cingular 8125
The Cingular 8125 (also known in Latin America as QTEK A9100) takes the features and power of the , a world phone, a messaging device, and an entertainment center and ratchets up the
functionality with large QWERTY keyboard and bigger display. The Cingular 8100 is the same but without the camera.
This device is very similar to the T-Mobile MDA, the QTek 9100, and other HTC Wizard WIZA100-based devices, with most of the differences being with the buttons and with the keyboard design, but
there may be some hidden differences. Check the pages for more information.
This device uses Windows Mobile 5 (WM5), so software and tips intended for other WM5 devices may work on this one also.
The Cingular 8100 series features a slide-out QWERTY keyboard, Windows Mobile 5, and four forms of wireless (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi,