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thinMobile CDN thinMobile Ad thinMobile TV
thinMobile CDN thinMobile CDN enables content owners to expand their assets to the mobile consumer. Utilizing TMI's commercially proven and scalable technology, content owners can deliver
their content to any mobile consumer anywhere in the world, in real time. thinMobile Ad thinMobile Ad integrates advanced advertising capabilities into TMI's thinMobile CDN solution.
thinMobile Ad can be utilized to insert video or audio advertisements when a user watches videos or listens to audio content on their mobile device enabling mobile advertising publishers, content
providers and carriers to utilize advanced advertising solutions to monetize multimedia content. thinMobile TV Thin Multimedia, Inc. (TMI) provides Mobile TV solutions for both DVB-H and
T-DMB. These middleware solutions enable the simultaneous transmissions of multiple television, radio, and video channels for mobile handsets. Home | Contact Us | Site Map
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