The BlackBerry Curve 8310 is the smallestand lightest BlackBerry to come with a full QWERTY keyboard. Itspacked with a 2 megapixel camera, media player, built-in GPS,expandable memory, Voice
Dialing, BlackBerry Maps and trackballnavigation. Plus, you get all the core functionality youve come toexpect in a BlackBerry smartphone - email and text messaging, instantmessaging, web browser
and advanced phone functionality.
Navigationaround the BlackBerry Curve 8310 is simple with a unique 5-waytrackball. A compact QWERTY keypad makes writing emails effortless andthere is also a spell checker. The camera is very good
and the built-inmedia player supports all major video and image formats includingMPEG4. Internal memory is 64MB and can be upgraded using a microSD card.
The BlackBerry Curve 8310 is the smallest and lightest BlackBerry to come with a full QWERTY keyboard.