I hope you are well. Things on my end are going fantastic!
I have spoken to a number of people about the Broadband mobile service launching July 1. Have you heard about Buzzirk Moble yet? This is going to change the way people communicate and conduct their
business. Not only will this help you personally and your business, but the income potential to share with others is tremendous if that interests you. We are at the right place and right time. The
technology that is about to launch will change the mobile industry as we know it.
Everyone on the planet will want one of the Buzzirk Moble phones and services.
Do you know why (All the CEOs) of the (wireless carries) are up all night?
They are (sweating bullets) too!
Awesome must see:
To OUR Success.Buck Maurice
Listen to one of these Conference Calls. You will be glad you did!!!
9 am 3pm 9:30 all central
1-212-796-1700 followed by pin # 2120#
Buck Maurice
New cell phone business will be in 40 countries. I'm looking for e-Associates.Potential 6 fig. income.