Motorola SLVR L6 Silver Brand New SIMFREE
- brand new,
- simfree,
- original
- eurospec,
- silver color,
- original box,
- full set,
- Wholesale-Price: negotiable
Prices are negotiable, depends on qty. and delivery conditions.
Allpricesarein EURO, Ex-Germany (Berlin) Warehouse. CIF prices can be quotedafterhaving your draft order. When shipping with courier, theprice canbelooked at as FOB.
Prices are NET.
Minimum order of each phones is 100 units per model.
Paymentofthefull amount by T/T when placing an order 10%. InspectioninGermany(Berlin, Airport Tegel, Cargo Village) within 24 hours,90%T/T within24 hours from inspection. No other payment
We do not send or sell samples.
All goods are new, simfree/never locked, european goods.
Delivery is within 24 hours from receipt of payment.
Your order/our offer is valid only after we issue a proforma-invoice.
Duetopricechanges and stock movements, we suggest that you send usyourdraftrequirements and we shall reply with inventory status andupdatedprice.
Quantities might enable us to reduce price.
Kindly get in touch if interested.