The iRobot PackBot Tactical Mobile Robot has been effectively used in both Afghanistan and Iraq to perform reconnaissance and bomb disposal missions. These PackBot robots posses little or no
on-board autonomy and are directly controlled by a remote human operator. The operator continuously monitors a live video and telemetry stream from the robot and continuously issues drive commands
to the robot, much like a remote-controlled car. This is the standard mode of operation for today's fielded mobile robots. Future generations of mobile robot systems will include multiple,
coordinated mobile robots-- each with increased on-board autonomy --enabling them to operate for extended periods of time outofcontact with any human operator. To address the needs of future
systems, the Sentinel project team is developing technologies to enable a single operator to effectively control and coordinate multiple semi-autonomous robots through the development of intuitive
user-interface methodologies. The developed user interface will: The Sentinel project will provide robust and effective control of systems that comprise multiple semi-autonomous mobile robots. This
will increase the usefulness of mobile robot systems and enable their deployment in a broad range of operational scenarios.