TheStorm's camera is a 3.2 megapixel item and has both a flash unit andautofocus to take the sharpest pictures possible.
Social Networking on BlackBerry Storm:You can access Facebook or MySpace and orkut profile easily in stomethat not need to access your personal computer.
Fantastic Business Tools: TheStorm may includeevery cool multimedia function in order to attract those who don't wantto use the phone for work, but RIM made their name by providing justabout the
best mobile office handset on the market and the Storm is noexception.
Touchscreen: Touted as a'clickable' touchscreen, it's supposed to feel like you're actuallypressing a physical buttonrather than an unresponsive gl screen whenusing the Storm, which RIM claim makes
the experience far moreinteractive and user-friendly than expected.
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