Brand Nokia
Type 7070 Prism
Form factor Clamshell
Color Black, Blue, Pink
Phone Network GPRS, GSM
Service 900, 1800
Bluetooth N/A
Infrared No
Wi-Fi (WLAN) No
Fax / Data No
Main display Color TFT
Color display 65.536 colors
Dimensions N/A
Resolution 128x160 pixels
External display No
Internal memory 11MB
External memory No
Memory slots No
Storage types No
Battery Lithium Ion 700 mAh
Standby time 480 hours
Talk time 5 hours
Vibrate alert Yes
Photo ID No
Ringtones MP3, Polyfone
Camera No
Megapixels No
Maximum photo resolution No
Digital zoom No
Optical zoom No
Auto focus No
Flash No
Recording video No
Second (front) camera No
T9 text function Yes
E-mail Yes
Internet browsing No
FM radio No
Java Yes
Audio player No
Video player No
Though light on features, this phone certainly doesnt skimp on the important stuff. For example, with the phone book you can easily input your friends data. The speakerphone emits audio at a strong loud volume. And of course games are included so that you can spend some free time trying to the get the high score.
This is the perfect phone for people who want a simple to use phone for making and answering calls. The way the phone is laid out is evidence of this because the call and end buttons are clearly marked underneath the menu buttons in order to reduce confusion. The number pad buttons are composed of triangular shapes in line with the prism design which is very attractive.
Description : With the 7070, Nokia has done away with the excess features that plague most phones and leaves a smart detailed etching on the front of the phone. The prism design is what makes this phone stand out, and the beauty isnt just skin deep with grooves that cut into the plastic of the phones. As much as youd probably like to use this phone all the time and have others stare at its amazing design when its in your pocket youll hardly notice its petite 15mm wide and 78g in weight measurement.
Nokia N7070 prism
With the 7070, Nokia has done away with the excess features that plague most phones and leaves a smart detailed etching on the f