The product offers basic functions similar to existing cell phones. Memorizes up to 200 addresses Displays short messages Vibrating alert (telephone, short messages) The product is developed as
wireless LAN terminal equipment and has the following functions needed by system integrators. PING - to check if IP packet has been delivered to a designated address Function for searching wireless
LAN access points Function for measuring radio signal strength Call control protocol--SIP Voice encoding method--G.711A-Law/U-Law, G.729A Wireless LAN specification Standard--IEEE802.11b compliant
Protocol--CSMA/CA Transmission method Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Speed--11/5.5/2/1Mbps Radio frequency--2.400^2.497GHz Call time--Continuous call time--Approx. 3:10 hours Continuous stand-by
time--Approx. 55 hours Charging time--Approx. 3 hours Dimensions 127(H)
The product offers basic functions similar to existing cell phones.