Dynacast offers an effective die cast solution for Engineers facing challenges of conforming EMC (Electro Mechanical Compatibility) regulations and handling heat dissipation. Heat dissipation and
EMC conformance A dilemma exists for Designers. Increased heat generation levels due to the higher processing power of electronics makes heat management a necessity in electronic product design,
while shielding is needed to ensure EMC conformance. Engineers must find a balance between extra features to achieve these requirements and the market pressure to create even smaller and lighter
devices. Through Dynacast's long experience of working with designers to help solve the challenges of electronic products, we can offer an engineered die cast solution in zinc, aluminium or
magnesium, matching the right material and process to your application. Why Zinc / Aluminium / Magnesium Diecast?Flexibility in Design Value engineering achieves cost saving Excellent and tight
fitting enclosures for shielding electronic parts Innovative parts Better dimensional Uniformity Long tool life Lower tool cost on multi-slide process Exceed stringent tolerances: + / - 10 microns
Light weight: + / - 0.004 gm Thin-wall: + / - 1 mm