Our wide range of Patent Products include - Ambimap : for acute, chronic Diarrhoea and Amoebic Dysentery of varied Aetiology Amlant : Remedy for hyperacidity and peptic ulcer Asthomap : A highly
effective and safe treatment for Asthmatics Cardimap : Reduces elevated Pressure in Cardiovascular System Dizomap : Digestive Tablets Energol MA : Non-hormonal Revitalizer for males Glucomap : A
Hypoglycaemic, conrols blood sugar Kasmin - K : For Whooping cough, Tubercular cough and Pleuritic Cough Kasmin - P : For cough associated with fever, post-vaccinal and post-influenzal cough Kasmin
- V : For Productive cough, Asthmatic cough and Bronchitic cough Leucomap : Powerful Astringent and Antiseptic, Specific treatment for non-specific discharge and disturbed cycles, low backache
Lipomap : Lowers Cholesterol (triglyceride) increases HDL Livomap : Provides protection to liver, a Hepato - protective Maharishi Amrit Kalash : A full-spectrum Anti-oxidant, Revirtailizer Rasayan
Pirant : Anti-Arthritic and Anti-inflammatory Raktda : A rich Iron Provider and comprehensive care for Anaemia Restone : Restorative and Revitalizer for ladies Jwarant : For fever