NP-1 product is an efficient frozen seafood additive compound with major compositions consist of organic acids, sequestrant and etc. most suitable for seafood processing. NP-1 contains no
phosphates as its components. It dominates same characteristics as phosphate such as better moisture absorption in finished products, better protein binding, preventing crystal-like occurrence in
meat. Also, the properties of sequestrant will prevent black or brown spots on the products. Moreover, raw materials used as components of NP-1 are in highest edible standard (Food Grade) because
they are generally used in food industry and has been widely accepted worldwide. This assures the highest safety of our product.Nowadays, seafood products exported to some countries e.g. United
States of America, European country community, etc., have to be inspected its quality, especially contaminants, whether or not they comply with the specified standard of each country. Phosphate
substance is also one of those controlled of its existence of not more than the specified standard. In food industry particularly in seafood processing, phosphate is one of essential chemicals used
in production process to make products getting better yield and to preserve their quality during storage. Therefore, it is difficult to avoid using it, but awareness of not more than the standard
limitation is needed.To avoid phosphate contaminants in seafood products, NP-1 is another most suitable choice to replace phosphate because NP-1 does not contain any phosphate. It preserves
satisfactory quality of products at an attainment of customer requirements.