Need to unlock your 3G phone with 2.2.1 firmware?Upgraded your phone to the latest firmware and blew away YellowSn0w?Traveling and don't want to get hit by massive roaming charges?The UNLOCK SIM is
the solution for you. Simply open the packaging, Eject your sim cardPlace the UNLOCK SIM in the SIM TrayPlace your new SIM in the SIM TrayReplace your SIM Tray into the iPhoneTurn on and enjoy your
new UNLOCKED phone.No complicated jailbreaking / software updatesNo issues with putting your original SIM in the iPhoneOpen, Eject, Insert, Enjoy
UNLOCK your iPhone 2G and 3G including 2.2.1 with Baseband 5.9.
No software takes 2 minutes (90 secs to open packaging)