BL@ST? Say Goodbye to all CDs and cassettes !
Portable Pair & play Bluetooth? hands-free kit - anywhere
BL@ST? is a tiny portable pair & play wireless Bluetooth? FM transmitter Mobile Device hands-free kit that pairs with your Bluetooth? enabled mobile phone/PDA.
Once paired, BL@ST? will allow you to enjoy the freedom of wireless hands free phone calls without ever touching your mobile phone PLUS stream music from your mobile phone to ANY FM stereo
Listening to your favorite music and hands-free calls has never been easier. All these functions into a very small, high quality and yet rugged device, 2.5 inches by 1 inch and 0.5 inch thick! It's
How to use
Step 1
Pair it to your mobile phone.
Step 2
Switch on your radio and select the FM frequency channel that is stated on BL@ST.
Brief Specifications:-
Full Duplex
2 omni-directional microphones with echo and background noise cancellation using DSPs
Echo cancellation
Caller display feature (CLIP)
Voice command dialing
Transmit to any FM stereo systems speakers
Built-in codec: SBC
Plays mp3 stored on any compatible Bluetooth? (A2DP) smart phones, PDA or devices
There is no other device that can do this. Distributors wanted worldwide.
Cellphone: +60 12 4742710 Fax: +60 4 8901836
Wireless Bluetooth FM transmitter Mobile Device hands-free kit PLUS stream music from your mobile phone to any FM stereo system