The consumption of nutritious food is important because they are sourceof daily energy for our body. CNI Gold Meal is an excellent completenutrient supply; it contains fresh banana flakes that
provide potassiumand energy,while manna fiber is the best source for soluble fiber.There are also cereal and oats to lower the cholesterol level,enhanceblood circulation,decrease the risk of
cardiovascular diseases andimprove the immune system. CNI Gold Meal also looks ofter intestinalhealth with its innulin and oilgofructose contents. Don't wait,have acup today!
Sucrose, Non-Dairy Creamer[Glucoe Syryp,Hardened Vegetable Fat(Coconut,Palm Kernel Oil),Sodium Caseinate(Milk Protein),Contains Permitted Food Conditioner(Dipotassium Phosphate,Sodium Poly
Phosphate,Mono-and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids,Diacetyltartaric Acids Esters of Mono-and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids,Silicon Dioxide) of Synthetic Origin],Cereal,Oat,Skimmed Milk Powder,Isolated
Soy Protein,Banana Dried Pieces,Malt Extract,Inuin,Manna Fiber,Oligofructose,Milk Calcium,Vitamin B3,B6 & B1 of Synthetic Origin,Contains Permitted Flavouring Substance(Vanilla Flavour) of Natural
and Synthetic Origin.
If you want any other information, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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