Apart from these it also gives the students an exposure to application of IT in the field of education. This can help many students especially those who wish to take up a career in academics & teaching.
The teacher can use the automatic screen to show sharp images to students through a wireless projector. This automatic screen once opened becomes the teacher's board. Based on his/her teaching the teacher can also ask students instant questions. Using the response system or voting system the teacher can record their individual responses and also analyse the reports.
This basically aids the teacher in clearly communicating with the students. A normal chalk & talk method does not suffice in a technology intensive Laboratory.
SpeedAcc Lab Instruction system is that product that takes care of the knowledge delivery part in a Technology intensive Laboratory.
SpeedAcc IT lab instruction system with automatic screen, Projector, Wireless LAN & voting system
SpeedAcc IT lab instruction system with automatic screen, Projector, Wireless LAN & voting system |