*Compliant to IEEE802.11b, IEEE802.11g, IEEE802.3 and IEEE 802.3u standards;
*Provides one 10/100Mbps Auto-Negotiation Ethernet WAN ports for WAN connection;
*Provides four 10/100Mbps Auto-Negotiation Ethernet LAN ports for LAN connections;
*Wireless access point support AP;
*Make sure effective wifi connection via wifi roaming;
*Support PPoEdynamic IPstatic IP and so broadband accessing methods;
*Support UPnPDDNSstatic router;
*Support virtual server, special application process and DMZ mainframe and so many port transmit to build inner net website;
*Support SSID broadcast control and accessing control list of MAC address;
*Supports 64/128-bit WEP encryption, WPA/WPA-PSKWPA2/WPA2-PSK encryption security authentication protocol;
*Built-in firewall and support IP, MAC, URL filtering make managed controlling popedom and time when surfing internet;
*Built-in DHCP server, automatically distribute dynamic IP address;
*English WEB management interface supporting WEB software upgrade;
*Support configuration files export and input;
*Top-grade and fad appearance, high taste, wall-placement and desktop.
Wlan router, Wifi Router, Wireless router Comply with 802.11g/802.11n.
wireless router
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