HomeSmartInstructions CeilingReceiverA lighting scene is made up of a combination of lights. Each light includedwithin a scene has to be connected to a wireless receiver unit, controlledby a
wireless controller. There are two types of receiver a ceiling mountedunit and a floor unit, each have to be wired into the relevant lightingcircuit.Ceiling ReceiverFor the Ceiling receiver you
will have to remove the lights you areincluding and trace the cabling, wiring theCeiling receiverinto the lightingcircuit as per IEE wiring regulations.Before you refit the lights a simple coding
and addressing procedureis carried out so that the controllers and receivers communicate witheach other.Safety InstructionsThis product should be installed in accordance with the applicableparts of
the building regulations,and the current edition of theIEE Wiring Regulations (BS 7671: Requirements for electrical installations)and appropriate statutory regulations. In the Republic of
Irelandthe installation must be in accordance with the ETCI National Rules forElectrical Installations ET 101.Before commencing work, switch OFF themains supply and remove appropriate fuse or
switch off the circuitbreaker.Do not install ceiling receivers on lighting circuits usedto supply other products such as extractor fans and shaver socketoutlets.Installation Diagra