RADARPILOT 1100Brilliant 12" and 16" Colour RadarsThe RADARPILOT 1100 - Represents a milestone in technical performance, ease of operation, simple maintenance and future oriented system technologyn
Designed to meet the latestIMO/IEC requirements forradar including for HighSpeed Craftn High resolution colourgraphics for clear anddistinct radar presentationn Tracking of up to 80 ARPA/AIS
targetsn ARPA/AIS target association functionn Integrated 2-way radarinterswitchn Extra window forRadarscope, Echosounder,Wind and Docking n Full operation as MinimumKeyboard Display for AIS
3400/3410n Integration operation of Voyage Data Recorder DEGEG 4300 including radarimage recordingn Integrated automaticsteering and track controlfor TRACKPILOT 1100n Display of NAVTEX messagesn
Optional remote accesse.g. for wing operation tomaster each display fromany of up to 4 slave stations