AT-7400 ... At a GlanceThe AT-7400 is multi-channel, high speed and high bandwidth digital wireless telemetry for demanding dynamic measurement applications: gas/steam turbine engines, aerospace
and other needs. Based on standardized, expandable "building block" system architecture, the AT-7400 replaces sliprings for reliable sensor data transfer off of rotating structures. The system
provides rotational-angle-based (encoder clocked) or time-based (internally clocked) sampling rates. (click any image to enlarge, click your browser's "back" button to return)Click here for access
to the AT-7400 Data Sheet Number of channels: 4 to 600, based upon a modular architectureBandwidth: DC to 15 kHz (simultaneous sampling up to 37287 samples/ second for large channel counts.
Sampling rates depend on data stream and channel quantities; higher sample rates and bandwidths are available)Resolution: 16 bitsRotor angle-based sampling option allows rotor synchronous vibration
data analysis Inputs: dynamic and static strain gages, thermocouples, accelerometers, pressure transducers and othersOutputs: high level analog voltages for dynamic sensor data; RS232 ASCII output
(with software) for static and low bandwidth sensors data.