The Modbus Alert SMS (SMS-Alert-03) is a Gateway that enables you to monitor and control your Modbus devices using your hand phone. Modbus devices can be PLC (Programmable Logic Control), SCADA
(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and devices with Modbus driver. FeaturesLow cost yet reliable Easy to setup and configure Two-way communication User-friendly window based configuration
Support monitoring of up to 40 inputs status, coil status, holding registers or input registers Function commands such as 'Get', 'Set', 'Ack' Escalation and reminder function Up to 10 mobile phones
can be alerted for each alarm point Up to 5 administrators for activate and deactivate the monitoring points Configurable SMS messages
Modbus devices can be PLC (Programmable Logic Control), SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)