This system comprises a wireless bedside transmitter(BTXV-01), wireless receiver(BRX-01)& nursecall extension cord with push button. ' It is designed to detect when weight is removed from a
pressure pad if a patient rises from the bed. Alternatively, no moving out of the bed, the patient can trigger our light sensor(s), stepping out of bed, trigger the floor mat alarm. ' Wireless
bedside transmitter provides selectable voice & tone sounds and connections for various pressure pads. When an alarm is triggered, it can send a signal to our wireless products such as Central
Monitor. A patient call button on the unit, allowing an active call for help. It can connect with an extension cord call button. ' Wireless receiver has selectable tone and "chime" sounds. It will
receive the signal sending from wireless bedside transmitter. ' Various sizes of pressure pads/mats for selection.