Compliance with European regulation ETSI 300-220 and/or FCC15/C (see data sheet)
Standard European and U.S. frequencies (315MHz, 418MHz, 433.92MHz, 868 MHz) are readily available from stock.
Applications: Home security systems, Car Alarm systems, Remote gate controls, Sensor reporting, Battery powered portable devices.
They show stable electric characteristics thanks to the "Thick film hybrid" technology.
Telecontrolli transmitter modules allow you to realize a complete radio transmitter adding a coding circuit.
The frequency accuracy (Super Regenerative) is very high thanks to laser trimming process, PATENTED.
The tuning frequency can be custom-specified in the range 200 to 450 MHz (Super Regenerative) and up to 900 MHz (Super Heterodyne).
Their sensitivity typically exceeds -100dBm (2.2?Vrms) when matched to 50 ohm (see data sheet).
Telecontrolli Receivers show high frequency stability also in presence of mechanical vibrations, manual handling and in a wide range of temperature.
Hybrid Modules Family RTFx: FM (FSK) data transmitters.
Hybrid Modules Family RTx: AM data transmitters.
Hybrid Modules Family RRFx: super heterodyne FM (FSK) data receivers.
Hybrid Modules Family RRQx: super heterodyne AM data receivers.
Hybrid Modules Family RRx: super regenerative AM data receivers.
RF Remote Control And Security Systems Hybrids
RF Remote Control And Security Systems Hybrids |